Martha's Vine is an action/adventure thriller set in post-apocalyptic Alberta. This dystopian setting follows several characters as they struggle to survive in a world without power.
The first novel boasts a strong following of readers from around the world. It is a cliff-hanger, so you will want its sequel.
Sheree released its sequel, Martha's Mirror, in the summer 2011. For more information, click HERE.
Martha's Vine is an action/adventure thriller set in post-apocalyptic Alberta. This dystopian setting follows several characters as they struggle to survive in a world without power.
The first novel boasts a strong following of readers from around the world. It is a cliff-hanger, so you will want its sequel.
Sheree released its sequel, Martha's Mirror, in the summer 2011. For more information, click HERE.
Buy locally through Sheree Zielke. Get a signed copy. Email [email protected]
Martha's Vine & Martha's Mirror is available on and in both paperback and in Kindle edition.
Martha's Vine is on Kobo. Martha's Mirror is also on Kobo.
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